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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tiny chat it up

So if we ever exceed 10 people in chat we can head over here to chat it up.


Because nothing would be right with out some ZOMBIE love.

Just for Jenn, Some hot fudge.

Favorite Improv

If possible attach a link to a video of it from youtube or where ever you watch it.
Lets get the Monkey music flowing.

Of course im going to add my fave atm. 
I was there to witness this one.
Jonesin' for a pickle!

It's a big day for Monkey ho's

Today is the end of a contest we were having finding different photos of the men of 100 monkeys doing different things.
I will announce the big winner.
What will they win you wonder?
a 100 monkey's bottlecap necklace and a edited 100 monkey's picture of their choice with their favorite 100 monkeys lyrics on the picture to call their own.